Monday, April 12, 2010

Les pluies de l'été

The thirsty drops of rain tingling onto my head,
Barren thoughts of joy that it seems to have bred .
Its the misty cloud and the virgin vapours insight ,
Its not me that seems to have indulged in this fight.
I lift up my cramped self to walk in the cool breeze ,
Thanks to the coy clouds that ease out all the crease.
Its not me to be blamed for I have no tempest needs,
Its the rain that has caressed and dampened all the seeds..

photo: London, April '09


Dan* said...

nicely written..

Akshay said...

heyyy...u back! :)

Animesh Saxena said...

couldn't figure this one out....might be dual meanings...

1. Bored with consistent state of mind


2. Expectations for something

Well both mite be wrong...but good choice of simple words.

Shakti said...

hey animesh.. thanks for the comment

This one hands down .. goes to bangalore rains....

Interesting analysis though:)

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