"So have you loved painting, paint for youself the sunrise every mornin, you love music sing passionately even in the bathroom, not enough.. bathe more than the average number of times you would, love the strings of the guitar, buy youself one you'll treasure all your life as your first love,love the mountains travel all by yourself incognito...love to dance, join the troupe so what if you have the ugliest partner, love to cook and bake do that for every person you love..if thats not enough start loving more and more people to have enough cakes to bake...love photography keep your cam wherever you go coz you never know when life gives you the perfect shot.. just dont wait for loving the things you learn or ought to learn in life but learn things you have loved (jus plain vanila is sometimes better than a nutty butterscotch life afterall ;) "
sigh..there are so many things i wanna do..and i somehow dont find the time..and when i do find the time theres something else tht comes up...
whats the use of earning a lot and not being able to enjoy the benefits ? :(
kabhi humare yahan( blog par) aaiye :P
yeaaaah...so so true... its the rat race.....soon we will be in or are already there....forgetting our passion to do things which will make us truly happy....too much engrossed in materialistic pleasures....someone said..Money can't buy everything.... An inspiration for me to start cooking or playing..Basketball.. Good one!!
so this is like de belated happy bday month post??;)
basket ball is good but cooking you neva tol me dat...
geeez! philosophy ,,,nt ma cup of tea !! but tat post was sumthng!!!!
nice post its very important to make time for your self, whether its 5 minutes or 5 hours.whether its to do a hobby or just to sit quietly with your thoughts these moments are precious for all of us and good for the mind and soul.
Sometimes, you read a post that reflects exactly your current state of mind. This was one such. I think I'll join those kickboxing classes now :-)! Simple and yet, poignant!!
so simple yet so amazing ... hell lot better then those 200 pages of so called inspiring books .. amazing ,refreshing..... i'll start writing a bit more ...
this ones one of my favs too..and thanks vivek for the kind words.. its a compliment:)
One should never be afraid to try new things. Very Inspiring post.
Hmmmm ..... nice thoughts !!! :) I for one pride myself on trying all thigns possible and trying my best to keep at things I enjoy doing ... The rest, not so much ... focus is weird for that !! :))
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