Sunday, April 09, 2006

What am i doing here...

You must be wondering.. i do that all the time..
Well i should have started with talking about myself should have hmm..but again restlessness took me over and i had to wait for the xcitement to move out.what excitement.. wowa after a two year long wait i manage to get a final selection offer from a good enough Bschool an i also get to be in pune..the best part being just two hrs away from.. mbai i'll get to connet once again to this lovely city n close friends!! so please excuse me for that..
Now talking about myself.. well im called shakti..yes a strange name or should i say a strong name on a gal.. But i am simply in love with it coz no other word has the potential to describe me so perfectly.. Just to add to this,this name was given to me by my grandfather and yeah if theres one person in his life he would give his life for its me.. i have been his most adorable, pampered,doted and loved grandchild..i still manage to sit close on his lap whenever i visit him and he holds my hand tightly ...listening to my endless stories for of the many many people in my life i'm absolutely in love with.. my grandpa:)and yes love is my most overused word.. you'll know that soon..
So now u do know that i'm a strong,independant and an absolutely selfassured person..people say im a chatterbox.. but i do have a different side to me.. which is quiet, contemplative and very very emotional and if ur lucky u'll get to see dat atleast once in life haah.. so wait for your chance patiently because i dont like revealing it i'd love somebody to recognise that..i can smile during the toughest times and at the same time shed tears in solace without any reason at all. i admire beauty.. bounties of nature the smell of the wet earth to a perfectly seasoned meal.. all appeal beautifully to my senses..but Actually i'm still a mystery an enigma to myself..i just dont understand how i manage to be what iam..
And look in my attempt to let u know more about myself i am all dazed,confused and lets leave it right here..and mind you your not getting rid of me so soon..i'll be back by the time you know i'm gone..


abhimir said...

the way u describe urself... i can relate to dat.. i also like to feel dat i have 2 sides to my personality... the talkative, outgoing side which i present to most of the people.... and the emotional,silent side dat i show only to a few close frens...
i always thought i was unique to hav this kind of multiple personality... but guess i m wrong...
anyways keep blogging...

Shakti said...

hey nice to know that u too have just started..n also that we share a similar personality trait..n hey why do u think we r all lonely.. the whole world is there watching us every moment of our
n yes happy blogging..

abhimir said...

i agree dat its very painful to be not able to share ur feelings... but d story is meant as a reminder to people, to tell them dat if u love sumbody... tell them dat u luv them before its too late.... so i think it is no reason to not like d story..... d story is basically a lesson about not being afraid to share ur feelings...
nyway i will upload a new story onto the blog... on Thursday... most probably... check it out... n do comment...

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