Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Pune beckons..

..in less than two months time, i will find myself alone in a city called pune. An alien city..new people.. a new culture.. enviornment..why to forget the climate.. and offcourse a completely different life.. a bschool life..as they call it..
Wel its not the first time i would be going to pune.. i did have a one day short visit in february .. for what .. for my sibm gd pi.. yes i had a call.but its not hard guessing what happened next..:(
well first experience about the city.. not very impressive!!.
Railway station?.. no comments.. coz none in india are worth commenting...( except the larger dan life station=>cst mumbai)..wowa!!..
as soon u leave the station u do need an oxygen cylinder.yes i know u wont be that well equipped so a handkercheif would suffice lol..yeah quite polluted and congested,aweful traffic and hardly any trees(40% green cover.. nt bad.. but howcome i did nt notice). i tell if u have ever stayed in the national capital u'll know what i'm talking about.(delhi offcourse, happens to be the greenest capital in world).
Oxford of the east.. Queen of the deccan plateau or the Scooter City (why.. why not.. it houses one of the worlds largest scooter manufacturers and also the largest no. women scooterists)..whichever way u may call it.. pune(thats the marathi version of poona), this vibarnt city sounds like an interesting mix of culture and modernity.. very much like the country it is a part off..INDIA.
Now talking about the weather..sunny n sweaty afternoons(atleast at that time of year when i was there) and chilled out nights.. (yes u can go with the double entendre).looking forward to feel the monsoons.
With what i know, Boredom will never haunt you once your here..(disclaimer =>yes it would only if you are the boring types).. lotsa a interseting and diverse places to visit.. from spirituality to religion to rock( plzz..the last one is not my cup of tea) ..one of them being the abode of Osho..Swami Rajneesh..this place flocks foreigners in huge numbers..Osho garden and Zen garden..one of places on my must visit lists..lets c....
Its haven for education... from defence, military to law and IT.. attracts people frm all over the world.
An abrupt end, yes enough of gyan..before it sounds like a touriste guide ..i will shut up..n yes do tell me wat u feel abt this city..
i'm all ears....()


abhimir said...

never been dre so cannot say much... but hav heard its a great city.. i hope u njoy ur stay dre...
N do keep writing bout d city...

Anonymous said...

well, i think too factual description of pune and very true..! i was ther for the same reason and felt the same, but unable to put this in words..

DestinyFavChild said...

well abit of factual mistake...it is called Poona by old marathi denizens...the new name Pune is suggestively modern

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