Monday, April 07, 2008

One full circle..

The background : [ok some one someday just happen to tell me that, that someone in general feels a little uncomfortable if that some one stays for a long time at some place.. well that simple statement which by grapevine happened to reach me on time killing chat session.. but yes it did trigger a thought...and i got something to write on the the theme which usually for me comes before the body of the blog...]

And i think i can now answer a simple question which our Mr Galileo, Copernicus, Magellan and the likes struggled to prove ---
And that was that the earth was Round and not Square..
Well all they forgot to say that life moves in circles too..
My assumption which I’l try to fit it into reality lets see how...
Even this blog has moved one full circle and that you will understand if you happen to be regular here and not necessarily by powers of geometrical understanding...
my educational career is coming to halt(as of now) and by that i mean classroom education. because Im growing old and I don’t have much time in hand..(well That also become a worry these days...)
Coz i have started viewing life in time spans of not less than 2..3..4..5 years..
Well i guess that’s how its going to be from now...let me quote a few not so hypothetical situations... you’ll be able to relate better..

1) Hanging on to your place of work for atleast the next 2- 3yrs obv there’s no limit to the maximum!!
Your next raise/appraisal/promotion/transfer/business person of the year award..:)
2) Paying of all kinds of loans in next three four five years years. and for me those include things which you are greedy for but don’t really have the money to pay at the moment..
3)Tying the scary (nuptial) knot after at least four five ten years:
4)Other things which as of now seem irritatingly irrelevant and impossible but will certainly come :P
5) Saving money for later later in life(10- 20% agreement on that)... investments shorter ,long term ,medium term, life term, Health, kids( ughh) education, marriage, death, rebirth... n blah blah...(hence forth the circles will be longer i guess)
6) And yes to feel what I feel here watch the friends episode ‘when they all turn thirty’…lol well well I am not that old.. but can sum how experience the pain coming…L

Guess that’s what they call broadening of our horizons is it..(Ouchh) it hurts already.. I don’t know how pleasant it will be... but yes have to wait and watch....and Yes maybe i like it...all that too will pass concentrically…another Chakkar begins…journey i mean..:)

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